quarantine thoughts
my daughter and I have been voluntarily self-isolating for over two months.
Some thoughts
ooh i get to stay home with baby girl, Im so lucky!
I should make bread
Holy shit
being a parent is hard
i should make bread
my house is messy
i wish I knew how to fix house stuff
if i buy this moisturizer from Sephora, i’ll feel a small sense of normal. Nope, that didn’t work, life is still crazy. Ok, so for sure shopping is a way i use to try and numb uncomfortable feelings. This uncomfortable feeling is worldwide and impossible to run from. I have sit here, with my crying toddler and face my discomfort
i hate facing my discomfort, im going to binge watch every season of the Tudors
Henry Cavill is yum.. lemme just google him real quick…. ^reads questionable Henry Cavill quote online ^
"et tu Henry Cavill?”
ok, still feeling something I don’t want to feel… maybe if I buy something from Lululemon?
I should make bread
why do babies cry so damn much
oh we went for a walk and baby was cute, I love this new way of life
wow we didn’t accomplish anything but staying alive and I feel really good about not always having to be productive
I should make bread
why are people not social distancing ^gets angry realizes anger is a way to feel something I can control what I feel instead of letting myself feel it^
OH, I HAD asked the universe to help up level me and for more quality time with baby girl…
I should make bread