Namaste, Friend

As I say hello to a new blog, I say hello to new readers. I love new things, so fresh, unused, and crisp. Blank pages, thoughts yet to be written down; so much promise and possibility. So many happy moments waiting to be shared, tiny little trivialities that end up making a whole life. But I’m getting ahead of myself; after all, this is only our first encounter.


I want this blog to be about possibility, about all the things that can be and are. I want us to look back on our time together and show that we’ve grown- preferably together, but apart is ok, too, so long as we’ve both grown. In the end that’s the whole point.


I don’t know what kind of blogger I want to be when I grow up, if I ever grow up. For now, yoga, travel, books, life- I’ll write about what I know, or if yoga has taught me anything, what I think I know.

So it begins, by saying hello and thank you. Thanks for taking the time to read this little nonsense. I hope what I have to say resonates. It is my hope that you find something you need to read, here. Something that will expand your mind, or make life a little easier for you. It is my hope that this becomes more than just a Blog and more like a place you come to learn and relate with me or others in the community – of which so far is probably only my husband and sisters, but they’re cool, I promise.


Thanks and Namaste, Friend